Casey Gibson

Hail and well met friends!

My name is Casey Gibson, I became a Certified Life Coach due to the love I have for table-top roleplaying games and the positive impact collaborative storytelling can have on people.

Tabletop Roleplaying games can help with building relationships and can help teach strategies to cope with real-life situations, as well as help to find space for mental health symptoms and engage safely with mental health difficulties among those engaged in the collective narrative. One of my goals is to create a safe and inclusive gaming space for individuals without those spaces. To help discover the community these games can create, I strive to continue learning and educating myself to better provide that environment for everyone and share the joy of playing these games to more diverse communities. I draw a lot of inspiration from Fantasy/SciFi novels by fantastic authors like Brandon Sanderson, as well as podcasts and other media focused on inclusive gaming like Three Black Halflings, Transplanar RPG, and Dimension 20.

I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition™ for  6 years, and recently finished Game Mastering a homebrew campaign, as well as dipping a toe into other TTRPG systems such as Pathfinder™ as my love of the hobby continues to grow and hopefully help the community grow with it!