Glenn Coco

Glenn Coco was born in Indiana and is an 11-year-old Staffordshire Terrier/Chow Chow good guy. He has two sisters he lives with at home with, and they all love to play together, when Glenn is off his shift that is. Glenn is a workaholic by nature, as there are so many people who need to be consoled, and so many pets to be had. He is a registered ESA for his mom, Erin, and they love to spend time together which is why he always comes to work with her.

Glenn also loves to sit in sessions and comfort people. You may see him roaming the halls of NCCEC, and he may come up to you to help calm you, by requesting pets. He has an office best friend named Gretchen Weiners and they have been best friends for a long time. His favorite things to eat are peanut butter and steak. He is a picky eater and stubborn, so he does not take treats from strangers. Glenn ultimately loves to play fetch in the water, swim, and hike. He is incredibly intuitive, intelligent, and gentle. He understands not everyone likes dogs, so he gives people space, while not holding anything against them. He is adored by many for his silly, stubborn, and soulful nature.