Kelly Caniglia

Kelly Caniglia is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. Kelly works with adults offering individual therapy.

Though Kelly has a specialty in working with trauma, CPTSD, and a specialization in Dissociative Identity Disorder, she very much enjoys working with a range of clients assisting with anxiety, mood disorders, Depression, ADHD, life stressors, LGBTQ issues, relationship concerns and helping individuals find their path. Kelly takes pride in working from a positive perspective, allying with clients, helping them find their strengths and move toward empowering themselves within their own lives. Kelly approaches therapy through several different modalities, but had specialty training in the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Model, Motivational Interviewing, Somatic Experiencing, DBT, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and Brainspotting.

Kelly takes great pride in serving as the Director of Conferences and Events and working board member of An Infinite Mind, an international organization focused on education and advocacy for individuals living with DID. Kelly received her Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Central Florida in 2006 and her Master’s in Mental Health Counseling from Rollins College in 2013. Kelly started her career working in intensive in home assisting children and families with behavioral concerns and substance abuse. In her spare time, Kelly enjoys going on outdoor adventures with her dog and her partner. She is also a painter, photographer and artist. She avidly enjoys theater and being onstage as well as behind the scenes, and focuses on soaking in all of life’s experiences.